Stennis Said Influential Member Of U.S. Senate Catholic Youth Dies In Belfast CURRENT-ARGUS, Carlsbad, N.M., Thursday, Feb. 1, 1973. 41 A Youth CONGRATULATIONS Frank Weldon of Holland, associate dean of the College of Carlsbad, left, and Jim Miller of White City, Agriculture and Home Economics at New right, are congratulated upon completing a Mexico State University. The men are among two-week course in the techniques of arti- 21 ranchers from New Mexico, Texas and ficially inseminating cattle by Dr.
Lewis Mexico who participated in the class. Officers Slain In Milwaukee MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP) Two patrolmen were slain beside their police van Wednesday night, sending swarms of police on a manhunt in a North Side neighborhood. A car which police said may have been involved in the incident was found abandoned about 30 blocks from the shooting scene, and a 21-year-old man was taken into custody early today for questioning. Residents of the area told newsmen the officers were shot while attempting to get an unidentified person into their patrol wagon.
The victims were discovered, by detectives who had been sent to the scene by a radio message from the two patrolmen, requesting assistance. Officials said they were told by residents that about six shots were fired, and that a man was seen running west from the site. The dead policemen were identified as Gerald Hempe, 31, and Charles T. Smith, 24. GOLD STICKER CHECK OUR? DAYS ARE HERE! NEW GOLD PLYMOUTH LAVER A lot of economy car for the money.
economy Our car. hottest Now selling with whitewalls, wheel covers, A canopy vinyl roof for no money. carpeting and special trim. Buy one like this and you can also get a canopy vinyl roof at no extra cost. The factory doesn't charge us so we don't have to charge you.
That's Gold Sticker Value. PLY Ana Plymouth Gold Duster AUTHORIZED DEALER CORPORATION SATELLITE' SEBRING-PLUS! The beautiful mid-size car With "Super-Quiet." a special -prooting Such great buy we Do business for such weapons as; the Safeguard antiballistic-missile system. Yet, Stennis himself was a Vietnam skeptic. He told intimates in the early and middle 1960s that he feared U.S. involvement in an Asian ground war.
But he always stood by the Republican President on prosecution of the war. However, in the waning days of the Vietnam involvement, he became a cosponsor of far-. reaching war-powers legislation, pushed by many war critics, that seeks to set limits on a president's. power to commit U.S. forces abroad.
He assumed the Armed Services chairmanship when growing numbers of senators were questioning the Pentagon's insistence on strategic- arms de- By CARL P. LEUBSDORF Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. John Cornelius Stennis, shot twice in a robbery outside his Washington home Tuesday night, is a courtly Mississippi Democrat considered one of the Senate's most influential. members. A tireless worker, the 71- year-old veteran of 25 years in the Senate has won wide respect from.
allies and opponents. as chairman since 1969 of the Armed Services Committee. In that role, he has been a key figure in the major foreign policy debates of recent yearsa judgment offered by Secretary of State William P. Rogers Tuesday night. Stennis led the fight for President Nixon's policies in the Vietnam war and Steakless Sailors Grumbling Some SAN Calif.
(AP) Navy cooks in this area say their chow hasn't suffered from an order that cheaper meats be used in Navy mess halls. But there is some grumbling in the ranks about the directive. from Adm. Elmo Zumwalt chief of naval operations. Today's- lunch for 6,000 men at the Naval Training Center includes baked meat: loaf and fried filet of perch, plus seconds.
The galley chief, Barkie Mcherron, claims "most of the kids prefer hamburgers, even over steaks." Standing lines to the more expensive selections are always smaller than the speed line to hamburgers, Mcherron said. But the first two sailors questioned at the 32nd Street I Naval Station voiced complaints. "It seems to me like I'm eating stew all the time, or macaroni and cheese," said Seaman Appren. 2.C. William Hoblitt, 19, of San Luis Obispo, Calif.
"I Jack Anderson's Reporter Freed WASHINGTON (AP) The government's case against investigative reporter Leslie H. Whitten and two Indians is built on the testimony of a policeman. who infiltrated Indian demonstrators' ranks as they headed for Washington three months ago. Sources in the Indian movement say he posed as a Pueblo Apache during the caravan of the Trail of Broken Treaties and was on the "intelligence unit" when militants occupied the Bureau of Indian Affairs building for a week last November. Before leaving the BIA in a shambles, the Indians confiscated up to 2,000 pounds of sometimes -sensitive BIA official papers.
Copies of some of the papers later were made available to Whitten and his boss, syndicated columnist Jack. Anderson. On Wednesday, Whitten and Indian lawyer Hank Adams were arrested and handcuffed on a downtown sidewalk after carrying three cardboard boxes of stolen BIA documents from Adams' apartment to a car. Whitten denied breaking any law. Anderson said Adams was in the process of returning the pilfered papers to the -and had written on the cartons the name of FBI agent Dennis Hyten to whom Adams said he had returned other materials.
According to Whitten, Anderson and Adams, and Indian lawyer had called Whitten at 8:45 a.m. Wednesday and invited him to accompany him for an exclusive story of the documents' return. The government informer, however, is quoted in the charge as saying he learned Tuesday that Whitten would pick up the stolen government documents for his own use on Wednesday. After eight hours in a federal lockup cell, Whitten, Adams and an Indian associate, Anita Collins, were charged with unlawful possession of stolen government documents. Anderson called Whitten's arrest "an outrageous violation of the 1st Amendment He stole no documents.
He is guilty only of writing the story of the stolen documents. The story, of course, has been highly embarrassing to the government. "It's a story of how the government cheated and defrauded and neglected the Indians in violation of their treaty rights," Anderson said. "We will continue to write this story." BELFAST. (AP) Gabriel Savage, 17, was kissing his 16- year-old, girl friend goodnight when his killers arrived.
The men dragged him from her arms and bundled him into a car as she screamed in terror. They drove away, shot him through the head and left his corpse in a ditch. Savage was the third Roman Catholic teen-ager slain in Northern Ireland, this week, presumably by Protestant terrorists. Two others were badly wounded. "This, I fear, is a campaign to terrorize and intimidate families," said Gerry Fitt, a prominent Catholic politician.
"They probably died just because they were baptised into a faith other than that of the gunmen," said one high-ranking policeman. Peter Watterson, 15, was the first to die. He was standing with another 15-year-old Monday in the doorway of his widowed mother's store in the Falls Road district. A spray of bullets from a speeding car cut the two boys down. Watterson died on the spot.
His friend survived, badly wounded. Philip Rafferty, 14, left his home in the Andersonstown district Tuesday night for band practice. His mother said she encouraged the boy to join the band because he had asthma and blowing the trumpet might. help expand his lungs. His body was found several hours later at the Giant's Ring, a circle of prehistoric stones- outside Bel- THE RECORDI CARLSBAD REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Alvarado, Sidney A.
Beck, James F. Keesey, Emmit M. McKinley, Joe E. Patterson, William L. Patterson, Kena Rena Pettes, William J.
Powers, Mrs. Alice T. Sessom. BIRTHS: Mr. Mrs.
Abraham Alvarado, a daughter. DISMISSED: Mrs. Larry Anglin son, Moises J. Archuleta, Mrs. Janice Boyd, Mrs.
Ollie. Mrs. Elizabeth Prather, Kimberly Ann Slusher. NORTHGATE UNIT. ADMITTED: Henrietta Gonzalez, Adan Grandado, Orlando Hernandez, Alton Kendall, Tomas Morales, Josie Rodriguez, Whitton Smith, Bryan Temple.
DISMISSED: Lola Davis, Pasqual Huerque, Mike Garcia, Beatrice Phillips. POLICE BLOTTER Larceny Winston Lovelace of the CarIsbad Textiles Co. at 407 Park Drive reported a grain scale valued at $75 stolen from a desk drawer in the office some. time last week. Accidents Police cited Billie Lee Carpenter, 39, of 2006 Georgia Albert Lee Funeral services are pending with Terpening-Paulin Mortuary in Artesia for a longtime Lakewood resident, Albert Lee, who died Wednesday in an Artesia hospital.
He is survived by his widow, Ruth; one son, Rex, Hereford, one daughter, Mrs. Rusty Clack, Artesia; two brothers, Dwight, Carlsbad, and Forrest, Lakewood; one sister, Mrs. House, Lakewood, and six grandchildren. NOTICE VILLAGE OF LOVING, NEW MEXICO ALL DOGS and CATS ARE REQUIRED TO BE REGISTERED BY THE CITY: REQUIREMENTS ALSO INCLUDE RABIES AND DISTEMPER SHOTS BY FEBRUARY 10, 1973. AFTER FEBRUARY 10th, ALL DOGS AND CATS NOT SHOWING TAGS WILL BE POUNDED BY THE COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER.
her velopment and, for the first time, were amassing the expertise needed to counter the statistics available to the Pentagon's allies. But he proved equal to the challenge, increasing the committee's scrutiny of the multimillion-dollar weapons, then spending long hours striding about the Senate floor in what sometimes appeared to be a one-man battle against the well-organized teams of weapons critics. A native of DeKalb in North Mississippi, Stennis graduated from Mississippi State University and the University of Virginia Law School. After. four years in the state legislature, he became a prosecuting attorney and then spent 10 years as a circuit judge.
In 1947, he won a special election for the Senate seat that had been held by the flamboyant segregationist Theodore Bilbo. Not as conservative as many Mississippi politicians, Stennis, nevertheless, has been an outspoken segregationist, a signer of the 1954 Southern Manifesto criticizing the Supreme Court's school desegregation ruling, and a leader in battles to retain the Senate's right of unlimited debate. Yet, he found himself on the other side when Senate war critics used the filibuster rule in an unsuccessful effort to block extension of the military draft. Declaring the national interest was at stake, Stennis led the fight to shut off the debate. WINDOW ROCK, Ariz.
(AP) Russell E. Kilgore, one of the prime movers in the Navajo Irrigation Project in northwestern New Mexico, is to retire Feb. 8 as the Bureau of Indian Affairs' assistant Navajo Area director 1 for resouces. Kilgore, a native of Coalmont, has held the post since 1965. He has been closely involved in a variety of industrialization projects on the reservation, including development of the tribe's sawmill operation.
PLYMOUTH With our Gold Sticker America's most beautiful Satellite Custom 4-Dr. Sedan who values haven't seen too much meat." Seaman Jerry Murrell, 20, of Indianapolis said he doesn't object to more hamburger "I don't like steak anyhow, but they've cut back to two sausages instead of three for breakfast." CWO G. V. Greeson, food service officer for the naval station, said Zumwalt's order means "we're going to cut out the frills," But there will be no cutback in nutrition. "These guys are still eating better than at home," he said.
"I can't afford to feed my own family this way." His galley dinner costs 70 cents. "I've heard quite a few complaints at each and every meal," said Commissaryman 2.C. Robert Barnes at Miramar Naval Air Station. "But, then, guys always complain," the 39-year-old cook and apprentice butcher from Los Angeles adds. "You know, they say, 'This isn't like what Mom puts out." they call "Super- Quiet!" treatment so quiet call itcall it "Gold Sticker Value." with a dealer TRIANGLE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH INC.
3600 El Paso Road CARLSBAD, NEW MEXICO fast. Police said he had been made to lie on the ground, the hood from his coat was pulled over his head, and two bullets were fired into his brain. "I hope the men who hooded my: boy, my pale and sickly boy, and then murdered him will live with the sight of his thin little face forever," Rafferty's mother. Savage was snatched late Tuesday night. His girl friend, identified for her safety only as Elizabeth, struggled with the assassins but they pulled a gun and threatened to shoot, her, too.
Stock Market Today St. for improper backing Tuesday around 4 p.m. when his 1972 Chevrolet collided with a parked 1966 Pontiac police said was driven by Russell Emory Wynn 18, of 2606 Garden. The mishap occurred in the 300 block of South Canyon Street. John Wade Wilkinson, 29, 108 W.
Hagerman received a citation for careless driving after the 1970 Ford pickup he was driving collided with the rear of a 1973 Ford pickup driven by Vivienne Stroud Garner, 48, of 1027 Sixth St. around 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in the 800 block of Lamont Street. Robert O. Stade of 502 Dallas Drive told police he parked his.
-1967 Chevrolet pickup. in a parklot in the 300 block of South Canyon at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, returning at 4:30 p.m. to find a dent in the left rear panel. Damage is estimated at $125.
SCHOOL MENUS FRIDAY Tacos with meat and cheese, taco sauce, pinto beans, shredded lettuce, corn bread, fruit Jello, one-half pint whole milk. Dr. Wilkening To Talk Here Tomorrow Dr. M.H. Wilkening, professor of physics and dean of graduate studies at New Mexico Tech, will speak on atmospheric pollution to the science classes of Carlsbad Senior High School.
Wilkening worked on the Army's Manhattan Project, was a member of the Fermi team which built the first nuclear reactor and participated in the first atom bomb test. His present research deals with natural radioactivity in the atmosphere, the circulation of air near the ground and pollution problems. The program is sponsored by the New Mexico Academy of Science as a Rotary Inter-Act. project. The visit was arranged by David Mickelson, a senior high student.
Person Glenn Miller Orchestra under the direction of and featuring Buddy DeF ranco Feb. 9, 8 to 10 p.m. at the Carlsbad Civic Center. Tickets $2.00 $2.50 Tickets Available at: The Chamber of Commerce, Rodeway Inn, Thelma's Record Shop, Pat Neeley Flowers, Jenkins Furniture, Goodyear Service stores in Carlsbad and Artesia. OVER THE COUNTER Capital S.
W. Franklin Corp. Wash. Scientific. Atlas Con.
Mining. Alcoa. American Airlines. American Can. Am.
Metals American Motors. 8 Bell Howell. Bethlehem Steel. Boeing Aircraft. Boise Cascade.
Burroughs. 222 Champion Spark. 45 Coca Cola. Continental Air. Crowell, Continental 288 Dow Chemical.
Eastman Kodak. El Paso N.G.. Ford Motor. Gen. Motors Gen.
Tel. Goodyear Tires: Gulf Oil. Gulf Western. 29 Howard Johnson. Ideal Int.
Minerals. 25 Int. Nickel. Joy Mfg. Kerr McGee.
Lear Siegler. Libby Owen Port. Ling Temco V. McDonnell. Occidental J.C.
Penneys. Pennzoil. Pennzoil Pref. Pubco. 13 Pub.
Svc. of N. 25 Radio Corp. of Am. 33 Ramada Reynolds Metals.
Safeway. So. Union Gas. Southwest P. Standard J.
Storer. Swift. 32 Teledyne Inc. Union Carbide. United Nuclear.
Adrian Townsend Services are pending with Denton Funeral Home for Adrian Townsend, 87, who died today in a local nursing home. A retired ironworker, he was a resident of Carlsbad 28 years. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include one son, B.F. Townsend, Carlsbad; four daughters, Mrs.
Sam Morris and Mrs. Mary Woodward, both of Carlsbad, Mrs. John Tilford, Richmond, and Mrs. L.L. Brock, Tulsa, seven grandchildren; three great-grandchildren and one great -great -grandchild.
MID-SIZE SATELLITE! prices, it could be buy! No question, it's the most beautiful size car we've ever had. And the Gold Sticker sign means you 'can get a new Satellite at a great price. Now. your business! WHY BLOAT-UP. ON EXCESS BODY WATER? Don't feel overweight.
puffy. bloated because of water retention and water build up that may come on during the strenuous days of your pre-menstrual period. Amazing new TRI-AQUA Pills. a gentle diu retic helps you lose water weight gain. and relieve body bloating pufliness.
Waist enlargement, and water. retentive of thighs. legs and arms. Stay as slim as you are! Guaranteed or money back. Get your TRI-AQUA "Water today at JACKSON DRUG 111 S.
Canyon Carlsbad. New.