(Frequently Asked) Questions + Answers (2024)

General Questions

Includes: Market, Activities/Contests, Places of Power and Club questions.

Q: What is the difference between Hentai Heroes on hentaiheroes.com and Harem Heroes on Nutaku?

A: It is the same game. Originally the game was launched on Nutaku before Kinkoid also decided to launch a stand-alone version; Hentai Heroes. There is just one difference between the games, which is just a cosmetic difference. 1 koban on Nutaku is worth 6 kobans on hentaiheroes.com. You get 6x the amount of kobans on hentaiheroes.com compared to Nutaku, but you also have to pay 6x as many kobans for the in-game features. For example: on hentaiheroes.com you get 150 kobans for completing all daily missions, and on Nutaku it is 25 kobans. Also, when you play the 10x games Epic Pachinko on Nutaku you pay 900 kobans, and on hentaiheroes.com you pay 5400 kobans.
Other differences is that in Hentai Heroes, players can collect or buy new avatars for their profile. Harem Heroes does not have this feature and has a limited avatar selection. The platforms have different payment processors. Some collaboration-type events, offers, gift codes and rewards may be exclusive to one platform only.

Q: How do I get more kobans?

A: There are a couple of ways to gain more kobans, both for free and by paying for them.

The free ways of getting kobans are:
1. Complete all daily missions on a day. This will reward you with 150 kobans.
2. Complete special event missions.
3. End up in the top 4 of contests. The number 1 spot will receive 300 kobans and the number 2-4 spots receive 120 kobans.

4. The occasional community contest/survey reward/banner of another game. These options are not occuring all that often, and are by no means a stable way of getting more kobans.
5.Place 75th or above in the weekly League, except for Wanker 1 where you need to place 60th or above to receivekobans.
6. Complete certain missions (like Bouncing Buns) in Places of Power.

The paid ways of getting kobans are:
1. Buying kobans directly from the shop. You can get to the shop by clicking on the +-sign next to your amount of kobans (see picture).

(Frequently Asked) Questions + Answers (1)
2. Buying the Monthly Card. The Silvercard gives you 60 kobans for 30 days (1800 in total for a month), with an added bonus of a free collect of harem money at the click of one button. The Gold card gives you 150 kobans for 30 days (4500 in total), with the same added bonus as the Silver card + Free x10 Villain Performance and Free x15 League Performance. The Platinum card gives you 360 kobans for 30 days (10800 in total), with the same added bonus as the Gold card + 50% Off Market reload, Free Champion Multiple Performances & Short rest, 50% Off Daily Missions finish now, and 50%off Pachinko Reroll.
3. Becoming a Patron. You can help the team out by becoming a Patron on their Patreon page (the lowest tier doesn't give you kobans in the game): https://www.patreon.com/hentaiheroes
4.Some Special Offers awards you kobans.Special Offers come and goes, so grab them before they disappear.(Frequently Asked) Questions + Answers (2)

Q: How do I get more energy? I cannot proceed with the story. (Frequently Asked) Questions + Answers (3)

A: Your energy regenerates naturally. Every 7.5 minutes you get 1 energy back. Whenever you level up, your maximum energy will increase with 2. The maximum energy you can have is 100, which you reach at level 26. You will also receive 10 energy at every level up.

Other ways you can get more energy is:
1. Some Special Offers/Bundles includes energy.
2. Claim it from the event Path of Attractionthat occurs once every month.
3. Claim it as a reward from reaching certain stages in the Season.
4. Refill it by spending kobans.

Q: How do I get more combativity? (Frequently Asked) Questions + Answers (4)

A: Your combativity regenerates naturally. Every 30 minutes you get 1 combativity back. For every 5 level ups your max combativity will increase with 1. The maximum combativity you can have is 20, which you reach at level 50.

Other ways you can get more combativity is:
1. Some Special Offers/Bundles includes combativity.
2. Claim it from the event Path of Attractionthat occurs once every month.
3. Claim it as a reward from reaching certain stages in the Season.
4. Refill it by spending kobans.

Q: How do I get more ingame money (Ymen)?

A: There are a couple of ways to get more money in the game.

1. Collect the money from the girls in the Harem screen. Every girl has a timer counting down. After that she will give you a certain amount of money depending on how many stars she has, and which girl it is.
2. Battling the world villains. World 2 and on have a villain on the map with a performance button near him. If you perform against that villain and win the performance, then you will receive either attraction shards for one of his girls, a story item or money. The higher the level of the villain, the more money the villain will give. However, the first stage of the villains Karole, Jackson's Crew and Pandora Witchwill give you gifts or books instead.
3. Do Champion Performances. If you lose you willreceive money (the more EGO you take of the Champion the more money you get), and if you win the battle you will receive cosmetics or a girl instead (7 different cosmetics and 1 girl), if you have received all 8 rewards on a specific champion, then you will receive10Kisses instead.
4. Completing missions. Some of the missions will give you money for completing them.
5. Winning contests. Some contests will reward you with money. The higher you finish, the more money you will win.
6. Completing any temporary Places of Power mission have a chance of rewarding you with money.
7.Claim money as a reward for reaching a certain stage/mojo in the Season.
8. Claim money as a reward for reaching a certain stage in the event Path of Attraction.

Q: What is the maximum level I can reach?

A: The maximum level you can reach is currently level 500.

Q: How can I gain more experience (XP), so that I can level up faster?

A: There is a couple of ways to gain XP.

1. You can gain XP by completing the daily missions.The higher your level, the more XP those missions will give.
2. You will get some XP through story mode. This is especially noticeable in the first worlds, but you still gain xp in later parts of the story as well.
3. You can claim XP after reaching a certain stage/mojo in the Season.
4.You will gain XP by battling opponents in the League (no matter win or lose), you will receive more XP for a win, and you will also gain more XP against higher leveled opponents.

Q: A girl in my harem has disappeared! What should I do?

A:If this occurs, please do the following steps:
1. Refresh the page.
2. Relog(Logout and log back in to your account).
3. Check out all the different variations of a girl and if they’re present in any of them.
If the above do not help, please contact support.

Q: I can't connect to the game, what do I do?
A: Have you tried turning it off and on again?
- Wait a few minutes! Sometimes it's just a little server hiccup.
- Delete your browser's cookies, cache and site data.
- Use your browser's Private or Incognito mode.
- Use another browser.
- Use another device.
- Use another network connection.

Q: The mobile app isn’t working, what do I do?

A: The app is known to be unstable and the recommendation is to not use it at all. Approach the game via a mobile browser instead, it has the exact same functionalities.

Adding a shortcut to the game to your phone’s homescreen will allow you to play it fullscreen on both HH.com and Nutaku. If you are on Nutaku, click on the "On iOS? Play here." link to reach the proper mobile page, this is a misleading description.
If you insist, try force closing the app then re-opening it again.

Q: I am getting Error 500, what do I do?

A: Error 500 is usually shown when you can't connect to any Kinkoid games due to your IP address being temporarily banned. This is caused by sending too many requests in a short time, such as upgrading Market stats or giving girls books or gifts. This lasts for 15-60 minutes and is working as intended.



Q: Can I remove/change boosters once I've applied them?

A: No. You need to wait until the booster expires before you can apply a new one.

Q: Why do I only see common/rare items in the market?

A: The rarity of items sold in shops depends on your overall level. A newly created account will see mostly common (grey) and rare (green) items in the shop. A more experienced player (higher level) will see Epic and Legendary (gold & purple) items in the shops. Epic and Legendary tier items are more expensive but provide higher bonuses.

Q: Why am I seeing mythic items all of a sudden? They didn't appear before?

A: Mythic Books become available in the market for players at level 201+. They have a chance to appear until you get level 351+ where1 slot per refresh will always be a Mythic Bookfrom that point on.
Mythic Gifts works differently.At 41+ girls in your harem there will bea very small chance for gifts to appear, and 1 gift will always appear once you reach 201+ girls.

Q: Why do I get disconnected when I go to the Gifts or Books tab in the Market?

A: This is a known issue for mobile device users, it's normal for the app/browser to freeze or crash when going to these tabs. There is no fix for this, you have to wait the freeze out (usually takes 30 seconds - 1 minute).What canaffects the freeze and or duration of the freeze is:
1: Your internet/wi-fi connection.
2: Your internet/wi-fi speed.
3: Your mobile device (older and slower phones can be responsible for this).

Some players have reported that the freeze doesn't happen if you zoom in on the left side on your screen before opening one of the tabs.

Kinkoid themselves also says the following:iOS/Safari users can sometimes be disconnected when opening the Market. This is an issue we’re currently unable to locate the source of and can’t reproduce on our end. We recommend using a different browser (Chrome/Firefox) to play the game.
Slynia note: I can tell from experience that this happens to Chrome as well. I would try a less known browser like Yandex, which seems to work better.

Activities and Contests

Q: How many Contests can I leave unclaimed? Will I miss out on new contests if I have too many?

A:You can leave up to21 contests unclaimed. Contests older than 21 days will disappear automatically, and a new contest will be created in its stead.
This does not apply to the event PoA (Path of Attraction), please claim all rewards from that event before the event ends, or any unclaimed rewards from PoA will disappear. The same as PoA applies to Season rewards as well.

Q: How do contests work? I see someone on the #1 spot in one of my contests, but that player isn't even ranked in my other contests.

A: Every contest has 50 players competing with each other. These 50 players belong to the same level group (lvl 1-40, lvl 41-80, lvl 81-120, lvl 121-160, lvl 161-200, lvl 201-240, lvl 241-280, lvl 281-320, lvl 321-360, lvl 361-400, lvl 401+), and are taken at random. So you can have 49 completely random opponents in different contests.

Q: This player have so many points in my Contest bracket! Is he cheating?

A:Some contests allow players to accumulate a great amount of points if they’re set on winning that contest. This does not mean that the player is cheating. More often than not in these cases, the suspicious player is not cheating. However,if you really have a genuine suspicion that a player may be cheating, it'srecommended to reportthat player by using the in-game support system and sending a ticket.

Places of Power

Q: What is Places of Power?

A:The Places of Power are missions to complete, together with a selection of girls from your Harem.Therequirements and rewards will depend on thelevel of your Places of Power. The more you level up a location in the Places of Power, the better your girls need to be to be able to meet the requirements to finish a mission in the shortest time possible (7 hours).

Q: How does it work?

A:The level system allows you toincrease the amount of rewards received per mission, and the location that you level up will be permanent, the level will not be reset after earning its exclusive girl or when other girls are added to this location. Leveling up a location also results in a slight increase in the mission requirements. A level increase costs 600 kobans (100 for Nutaku) with a maximum of 9 increases per location and therefore 5400 kobans per location (900 for Nutaku). To calculate the power needed to finish a mission with the minimum time, just divide the power required by 420 (which is the amount of minutes in 7 hours).

(Frequently Asked) Questions + Answers (5)
The number to the left (11 646 930) is the total power this location needs to be finished in the shortest time possible (7 hours).
The amount of power per minute needed to reach this is the number to the upper right (27.8k).

Depending on the location, certain requirements will need to be met and it will be up to you to choose which girls from your Harem to fulfill those requirements, either by manually choosing girlsor by the Auto Assign button. The Auto Assign button will just choose your strongest available girls until the requirements are met. Or it will choose all your available girls if you can't reach the requirement, this will result in the mission taking longer than 7 hours. The power needed for each mission has a cap,so once the minimum mission duration is reached (7 hours), there is no need to add other girls (this will not lower the duration of the mission). Once the mission is started, the selected team will start to accumulate power and after some time finish the mission, the girls that are assigned to a started mission can not be used in any other missions in the Places of Power during that time. Once the mission is finished, you can collect the rewards and start a new mission at this location.

Q: I can't level up this location? Is it bugged?

A:You are probably talking about a temporary location. Only the top 3 locations are permanent locations that you can level up.
The temporary locations rotate every week, what decides the power required and rewards for these locations is only your level.
Higher level = more power needed and better rewards.

Q: I accidentally started a mission before I could select enough girls to meet the required power! Can I abort the mission?

A:No and yes. You can only finish a mission early by spending kobans (not recommended). There is currently no way to abort or cancel a mission once launched without spending kobans however.


Q: How Do Clubs Work?

Information provided by Kinkoid patch notes:
A: "It is a social feature that will permit you to play and evolve in the Haremverse with your friends.
-You can be only in one club at the time
-All players will be able to join a club from level 1
-Creating a club costs 600 kobans. When creating your club, you will be able to choose a name with a maximum of 20 symbols (space are counted). The first name change of the club is free, after which it will cost 600 kobans to rename the club.
-The recruitment for clubs will have 3 status : Open, Requests Only and Closed. Open means that any eligible player can join the club. Requests Only means that eligible players can request to join the club and the club creator needs to accept the request.
Closed means that recruitment is disabled and nobody new can join the club.
-To join a club, players need to go on the club's page and use the join/request button.
-Currently a club can welcome up to 20 members (40 members with maximum club upgrades)
-Players can quit a club or be kicked out by the club leader without any restrictions.
-Each club will have an in-game chat to give the options to the members to discuss with each other. The moderation of the club chat is done by the club creator, who can mute and delete messages.

Q: What Are The Benefits of Being in a Club?

A: There are currently two main benefits to joining a club: club bonuses and club champions.
Club Bonuses are given to all members of the club and remain active as long as they are members of that club. Each club has 8 categories of bonuses that can be upgraded through club member donations of ymens and kobans: -Member Cap increases the club membership cap -HardCore/Charm/Know-How/Endurance/Harmony all boost the player stats of each said type. -Experience/Money Gain increases XP and ymen gains respectively.
Club Champions are club-exclusive challenges that involve the efforts of every club member to impress a sex champion and win the affection of special champion girls.

Q: How Do I Remove Inactive Club Leaders and/or Reassign Leadership?

A: Currently, there are no in-game solutions to kicking inactive club leaders or reassigning club roles. It must be requested via support tickets to Kinkoid, who can then manually remove club leaders and reassign roles from their end.

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Edited by Slynia
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(Frequently Asked) Questions + Answers (2024)
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