Insidious 5 : la suite dévoile son casting après sa date de sortie et son synopsis officiel (2025)


Par Déborah Lechner

8 août 2022

MAJ : 19 octobre 2022

5 commentaires


Insidious 5 : la suite dévoile son casting après sa date de sortie et son synopsis officiel (4)

Le prochain Insidious: Chapter 5continue de donner des nouvelles avec l’arrivée de nouveaux acteurs au casting.

De la même façon qu’une énième suite de Paranormal Activityet d’American Nightmareétait plus que dispensable aprèsParanormal Activity 5 : Ghost DimensionetAmerican Nightmare 4 : Les origines(eux-mêmes parfaitement inutiles), Blumhouse va ronger une autre franchise jusqu’à l’os. Si le premier voleta soufflé un vent nouveau sur le cinéma d’horreur grand public, les autres volets d’Insidiousont rapidement tiré sur la corde.

Mais qu’importe la critique étant donné que ledernier film de 2018,Insidious 4 : La Dernière Clé, a tout de même rapporté plus de167 millions de dollars au box-office mondial (le plus gros score de la saga) avec un budget de seulement 10 millions hors marketing. Soit toutes les mauvaises raisons de continuer le massacre.

Après Conjuring 3, Patrick Wilson retrouvera son autre franchise d’horreur

En octobre 2020, le studio a donc annoncé la mise en chantier d’un cinquième film. Après que la saga se soit concentrée sur la médium jouée parLin Shaye,Patrick Wilsonreprendra le rôle de Josh (en plus de prendre la relève de James Wan, Leigh WhannelletAdam Robitelà la réalisation), tandis queTy Simpkinsrejouera son fils Dalton Lambert, devenu un jeune adulte. Si elle n’avait pas été annoncée en 2020, Rose Byrnedevrait également reprendre le rôle deRenai Lambert.

L’intrigue écrite par Scott Teems (Halloween Kills, Firestarter)se déroulera une dizaine d’années après Insidious 2 et verra Dalton partir à l’université où les démons de son passé reviendront le hanter lui et son père. Rebelote donc pour une chasse aux fantômes et mauvais esprits qui s’annonce des plus originales.

Hiam Abbass dans la série Succession

Quelques jours après l’annonce de sa date de sortie, Insidious 5 continue de donner des nouvelles avec cette fois soncasting secondaire. D’après Deadline,Peter Dager, Sinclair Daniel et Hiam Abbass (Blade Runner 2049,Succession, Oussekine)ont rejoint la distributiondans des rôles inconnus. Compte tenu de leur âge, il y a fort à parier que les novicesPeter Dager et Sinclair Daniel jouent d’autres élèves de l’université, amis et rivaux, tandis que l’actrice plus âgéeHiam Abbass pourrait jouer une professeure ou la directrice de l’établissement, ou une nouvelle medium.

Toujours d’après Deadline, la production du film devrait commencer dans les prochains jours pour une sortie prévue le 5 juillet 2023 en France. D’ici là, Patrick Wilson aura retrouvé James Wan et sera retourné à l’affiche avecAquaman and The Lost Kingdom, en salles le 15 mars prochain.

Rédacteurs :

Déborah Lechner

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Aucun confiance dans ce film, mais pourtant, au fond de moi, il y a quand même la curiosité de voir si Patrick Wilson est capable d’un vrai retour aux sources. Perso, j’aimerais bien qu’ils exploitent davantage le démon du premier film, qui était excellent, mais qui aurait mérité d’être développé un peu plus dans les suites (au moins la suite directe qu’était le 2).


Insidious 5 : la suite dévoile son casting après sa date de sortie et son synopsis officiel (21)


il y a 1 année

Bonne nouvelleBonne nou


Insidious 5 : la suite dévoile son casting après sa date de sortie et son synopsis officiel (22)


il y a 1 année

Les 2 premiers épisodes étaient quand même assez bons en terme d horreur.
Les 2 autres, en dessous mais restaient dans la moyenne haute de ce genre de films.
Curieux de voir ce que cela va donner pour cette 5eme itération


Insidious 5 : la suite dévoile son casting après sa date de sortie et son synopsis officiel (23)


il y a 1 année

Un peu moins de condescendance dans vos articles et un peu plus de goût !
Les trois premiers insidious sont bons, le 1 et le 3 sont même excellents !!
Le 4 est certes en dessous mais pas immonde non plus, merci donc de garder vos avis désastreux pour vous


Insidious 5 : la suite dévoile son casting après sa date de sortie et son synopsis officiel (24)

Mr Scalp

il y a 1 année

Cinquième chapitre qui conclura, on l’espère, cette saga avec une ultime confrontation avec le démon du premier film, ce que j’avais espéré pour le chapitre 3.


Insidious 5 : la suite dévoile son casting après sa date de sortie et son synopsis officiel (2025)


Did Josh and Renai divorce? ›

Josh & Renai's Divorce Is Caused By Insidious 2

Although the Lamberts ultimately succeed at saving Josh, there is damage that he does that cannot be undone. Namely, his attempted murder of Renai and the children is too overwhelming for them to ever be the same again.

Why is Insidious 5 bad? ›

The script was... poor. It felt like an amalgamation of every cliché line and trope you have ever heard in a horror movie put into one script. I audibly laughed at certain lines because they were just too much to handle lol. Also the characters were just plainily not super relatable or enjoyable.

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The issue could be scheduling-related, as The Entity actor's next project is currently in post-production, a thriller film starring Kyle Gallner and Willa Fitzgerald known as Strange Darling. However, the most likely reason that Barbara Hershey isn't in Insidious 5 is probably the story itself.

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The Lipstick-Face Demon, also known as the Man With Fire on his Face, the Red-Faced Demon, Sixtass, or simply the Demon, is the main antagonist of the Insidious franchise. It is a demonic resident of The Further that seeks to bring pain and chaos to the world of the living by possessing a human body.

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Insidious is not based on a true story, so you don't have to worry about real-life hauntings like in The Conjuring series. The inspiration for Insidious came from Wan and Whannell's desire to make a horror film about astral projection.

Will there be Insidious 6? ›

Blumhouse Productions is bringing back the spine-chilling horror franchise, Insidious, with the official confirmation of Insidious 6. The series, which commenced in 2010 with the original Insidious film, follows the harrowing experiences of the Lambert family as they confront malevolent spirits from The Further.

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That may be why in the final moments of the film he's able to see Elise, who died in the final moments of Insidious at the hands of Josh whose body had been co-opted by “The Bride in Black.” In Chapter 2, Elise reveals that she can safely cross between realms, even returning to the human world if she chooses.

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1. Red-Faced Demon - Insidious. You can't talk about Insidious without mentioning the Red-Faced Demon. This single scare has come to represent the entire Insidious franchise.

Whose funeral is in Insidious 5? ›

The film begins where Insidious 2 concluded, with Josh Lambert (Wilson) and his suppressed memories of “The Further.” It then abruptly shifts to the solemn setting of the funeral of Josh's mother, Lorraine (played by Barbara Hershey in previous films).

Why did Josh choke Elise in Insidious? ›

As she packs up for the night, Josh hands her his childhood photos, but as she takes them, she gives Josh a strange and startled look, whips out her camera and snaps a photo of Josh. Furious, Josh goes in a rage and violently strangles Elise, killing her.

What happened to the wife in Insidious Red Door? ›

Plot. In 2019, nine years after his possession, Josh Lambert's memories of his experience in The Further have been repressed. He is divorced from his wife Renai and his mother Lorraine has recently deceased.

Why did Josh and Renai divorce? ›

Renai reveals that this has all happened before, and Josh and Dalton have both had their memories suppressed. She divorced him because the children were scared of him, remembering that he had tried to kill them and not understanding that he was possessed at the time.

Is Insidious 5 worth watching? ›

Insidious: The Red Door is a sequel worth watching, even if it doesn't have as many scares as its predecessors, it leaves you satisfied. After viewing the Conjuring & Conjuring 2, I was expecting this movie to fall in line. Well ... it fell into something alright a big stinkhole. Don't waste your time or money on this.

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Dalton, we learn, has grown up hating his father, because he felt abandoned by him. Josh, divorced from Renai (Rose Byrne), has been living in a fog, his wiped-out memories just out of reach.

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Josh is able to travel beyond the Red Door and frees his son, but the red-faced demon isn't willing to let Dalton just walk away. In order for Dalton to safely escape the Further, Josh must use his body to block the Red Door, sacrificing himself for his son, not unlike what his own dad did.

Who is Josh Lambert's wife Insidious? ›

The film stars Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne, reprising their roles as Josh and Renai Lambert, a husband and wife who seek to uncover the secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit world.

How many kids did Josh and Renai have? ›

Josh (Patrick Wilson) and Renai (Rose Byrne) are a happily married couple with three young children who have moved into their idyllic new suburban home. When tragedy strikes their young son, Josh and Renai begin to experience things in the house that are beyond explanation.

What happened to the wife in Insidious? ›

Because time doesn't exist like it does in the living world, Elise learns she is doomed to be killed by the Bride in Black entity. This fate is inevitable — she succumbs to it during the ending of the first Insidious. But Elise understands she can't be afraid of what will happen.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.