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- Hangar181
- Posts: 77
- Joined: Sun, 29. May 22, 01:35
VRO weapons - best choices?
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Postby Hangar181 »
I know the encyclopaedia exists but that is painful to use and simply don’t have time to try out each weapon. What I’m after is advice for key scenarios
Player ship: corvette best all round front weapon
Missiles: biggest bang for taking out turrets that won’t get shot down
Capital ships: best anti fighter turrets that even the AI can use
Fighters: best anti capital ship loadout
Player ship corvette: best ant capital weapon
I realise some of this will boil down to personal choice but a few ideas is a better start than trying out a zillion. Thanks in advance
- Hangar181
- Posts: 77
- Joined: Sun, 29. May 22, 01:35
Re: VRO weapons - best choices?
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Postby Hangar181 »
- Posts: 5794
- Joined: Mon, 5. May 08, 00:05
Re: VRO weapons - best choices?
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Postby chew-ie »
Not playing VRO at the moment - but if I'm playing VRO I'm mostly picking weapons by their sound (seriously) and ROF. Most of the time I end up using these on my capital ships (in that order):
- Gauss Turret
- Rapid Kinetic Turret
- Heavy Mass Driver Turret
- Annihilator Turret
I don't bother with front mounted destroyer weapons as their ROF / efficiency is awful.
For M turrets I mostly use (in that order)
- Barrage Turret
- Light Meson Turret
- Dual Pulse Turret
If I ever use S ships in combat (not adviced in VRO) I install some gatling-like weapon.
At the end I'm there for the show. And winning is done by just adding more ships
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- Hangar181
- Posts: 77
- Joined: Sun, 29. May 22, 01:35
Re: VRO weapons - best choices?
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Postby Hangar181 »
Cheers, appreciate the advice!
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